The Treatment

Tony Key

The film is about a man called Tony Key who is very rich, he wants to live his life quietly with his beautiful wife. All he wants to do is be happy and free but he can't because of his past haunts him.!

(In his past he used to be an assassin). 

Tony has an idea that if he can create a drug to erase his memory he can escape the nightmares of his past life.  He uses his wealth to develop his mind altering drug. After many years of hard work and research, he finally creates the drug / potion that will rid him of his evil. On a dark rainy night he takes the drug that he has invented ........ it does not work as he had hoped and instead of taking his worst side away.
The drug turns him into a mutated monster that is a control freak that wants to control where he lives which in this case is New York... So the battle begins as he fights and destroys all in his way.


This set out the story in more detail but a full script would be better.

Opening scene 

A man is on the top of a tall building.. sweat is dripping from his head.. he is worried.
Its a close up shot of the man he moves his head to the left and his eye fits perfectly in front of a telescopic lens. We are then looking through the lens at a woman sitting at her desk... He thinks why her ?? why is she the job.. what has she done that means she has to be killed ??
He can't think like this, he has job to do.. CLICK he pulls the trigger ... job done..!,

Scene I
Tony wakes up from a bad dream in a cold sweat.
He is in bed and not looking good.

He sits up and put his head between his hands ... he is suffering

He feel so bad that he decides he has to change his life.
He is a wealthy man and he must be able to find a solution to his nightmare.

Scene II
In his New York office he starts to design a solution, at the drawing board he starts to scribble.

Scene III
He has managed to take things off the drawing board and a has now moved to a laboratory. 
Here he is seen mixing and creating .. smoke fills the rooms and it is hard to see what he is doing.
He seems excited as he works .. this has taking a life of its own and him away from the nightmares.
In away this passion to find a cure is what he needs but he has not realised this. If he can create a drug to take his nightmares away he can live a perfect life.

Scene IV
Still in his lab ... but he is looking please and happy... he has the solution, the perfect drug to save him. He holds the bottle with the drug in aloft and is heard saying "this is it... Mary (his wife) this will save us and our world" he drinks the drug / potion.

Scene V
Having drunk the potion which clearly taste horrid, he stand still waiting for some thing to happen.
Nothing happens ... he looks confused and disappointed.. then a pain shoots through him and he collapses behind his desk. 
We cut to a close up of Tony's face its seems to be covered in a fog / gas.. and he is screaming.
As he lifts out of the gas we see that he has changed into a mutated monster.. like a giant ape ... (Big Foot) but very red.. a bright day glow red.

Scene VI
Tony now in monster form and is wild with terror and confusion.. he smashes everything he see and or looks at and is last seen leaping through the widow on to the streets of New York.

Green Screen = £25

Fake Drug = £5

Actors = £0

Costumes = £0

3D Studio Max animator = £500 Plus

Make-up artist = £20

Props - £10

The lab can be created by getting cheap things from a scrap yard = £20

Cameras/editing = £0 ( I have these )

Script Writer = 50p

Actors & Crew

Actor #1 - Chris Martin

Actor #2 - Frankie Brown

Camera Man - Rory Mosedale

Editor - Ashley John hodges

Director - Ashley John Hodges

Producer - Ashley John Hodges

Contingency plan

Pack up, go home and plan to do it another day.:-)
I have several friends that could step in to the roles if the proposed cast could not make it.
Set wise it's nearly all green screen which I have at home so it can be done any time.

Main problem would be the 3D studio work etc. However there are many places that can do this type of work.. I would need to get quotes from other places just in case.


I've researched how the hulk transforms for the transformation from the drug scene. 

The main problem will be the quality of the people doing the 3D Studio work. This is an area I would like to learn about and so if I was able to learn ,... I might even be able to attempt this myself. Mind you I realise that learning how to do this can't be sadly learnt over night.

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