

-A script must be typed up in Courier font, 12pt.
- The first time a new character is introduced his name must be in all caps, after the first time you just have caps at the start of each name
- Some writers never use CUT TO: arguing that transition is implied when moving from one scene to another.
- Scene headings indicate whether the location is an interior (INT.) or exterior (EXT.), the location and if it is day or night. 
- The scene description is always double spaced down from the scene heading, it indicates in the most economical terms what the setting is, who the characters are, and what action is taking place.
- Each character has a 'Character Cue' when he/she has a section of dialogue, their name is above the dialogue in capitol letters 


- Dialogue is 3" from the left
- Scene Headings and Scene Descriptions are 1.5" from the left
- Character Cue's are 4" from the left
- 1" from the right is as far as writing can go.

It should look like the script below that I wrote the following script myself :

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