
Thursday 12th September 2013


Pre-Production is all the planning before your production. 
  1. Planning
  2. Actors
  3. Story board 
  4. Director
  5. Composer 
  6. Producer
  7. Executive producer 
  8. Props master
  9. Make up designer 
  10. Casting director
  11. Location scout
  12. Runner
  13. Costume designer 
  14. Cinematographer
  15. Story board artist 
  16. Director of photography 
  17. Set designer
  18. and many more... 
We also watched this little video on YouTube  called "signs"

To make this small film / video they would of had to do most of the things below;

- A script would need to be written

- A storyboard would have to be drawn so the camera man would know what kind of shot to frame

- The location would have to be scouted, making sure its suitable for the film and also safe. You would also need permission to shoot on the location they had chosen.

- Plan ahead for weather, the film we watched was shot in the rain so they would have had to check the weather       reports if rain was what they had planned.

- Acquire the right equipment for the job.

- Design and make costumes/props

- Actors would have to be casted in each role by a casting director 


- Instead of a story board there may be a shot list.

- Actor release forms 




    Narrative - Story Plot - Events - Order of Events
    • Beginning
    • Middle
    • End

    Technical aspects


    • Diegetic - Sounds
    • Non-diegetic - Sounds
    • Music
    • Voice Overs

    Mise en Scene

    • Setting
    • Props
    • Lighting - Light/dark
    • Characters - Costumes/make-up/hair
    • Colour


    • Timing
    • Continuity
    • Music
    • Transitions
    • Fade to black
    • Fade in fade out
    • Dissolves
    • Wipes
    • Straight cut
    • Stot Reverse Shot


    Type of shots

    • LS = Long shot
    • MS = Medium shot
    • CS = Close-up shot
    • ECS= Extreme close-up shot

    Camera Movement

    • Stationery
    • Pan left/right
    • Zoom
    • Tracking
    • Dolly
    • Tri-Pod


    • Low
    • High
    • Wide
    • Medium 

    Pat lesson #1

    Wednesday, 18th September 2013 

    In todays lesson we had to develop some ideas about romantic movies in which  2 lovers are apart for some reason...

    My partner was Rory and we came up with the following idea of...

    Long Distance

    Long Distance is about two people who meet on holiday and fall in love, they live 1000's of miles apart on different sides of the world. The film is about their struggles and problems while trying to find a way to live together despite the long distance relationship. With close family and friends at each end of the world deciding who should make the move leads to more problems than they could have ever expected.

    Next we had create a similar story but this time its was to be based around the saying "a fish out of water..."

    Long Distance 2 

    Fish out of water

    In the sequel to Long Distance, the male lead character has moved to England to live with his new fiancé. Her family are really upper class but as you might expect he isn't. He doesn't fit in with her family at all. So in this film our male lead character is very much a "fish out of water".

    After the break we had to think of movies that are pretty much the same as our ideas but different and to look at their movie posters and compare them.

    So we looked at these movies  "The Other End of the Line" and "Atonement" which are both very simmer to our movie ideas where both characters are in love but they can't live together because they live in different places.

    Above you can see the poster from the two films we looked at and my attempt at designing a movie poster for my "Long Distance" movie idea. Just like the other two posters it has been split across the middle with the film title and you can see the characters locations in the background, I thought this worked better than a picture of the lead characters as it set the scene but leaves a mystery.

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